Tesco's in Thailand!
I knew there was something to look forward to today........
This morning a gang of men looking just like the original "Ghost Busters" jumped out of a pick-up truck and started to spray everywhere!
The termites would soon demolish the traditional wooden buildings of the Juniper Tree without this monthly treatment. The durability of aged Teak is legendary, but a termite can make mincemeat of it.
Everyone has to leave the site for a few hours whilst the poison disperses, but the good news is, I got a morning off!
Chiang Mai
I decided to cadge a lift into town and after a iced frappuccino with Simon and Melanie, went off to see what a Thai version of Tesco looks like. Well, you can see from the pictures!A bit basic, as far as the building goes; no darkened glass panels, manicured gardens or regimented parking.The surprise came to find such things as "Tesco's Finest" Earl Grey tea bags and other oddly similar British brands jostling for position with distinctly different, traditional Thai foods and products. I could get "in store" baked bread, Cheddar cheese and English butter as easily as the 57 varieties of Soy Sauce on offer! One other bonus is it's air conditioned; unlike my planned transport back to work.
I grabbed a tuk-tuk back which cost 100 Baht (about £2.00) for a 15 k trip. I nearly fell out of it when the driver blipped his horn at a cyclist, it sounded like a rusty frog!